Teacher Background
It may seem strange, but many of the words we use every day come
from maritime cultures. After all, until very recently in our
country's (and the world's) history, most long-distance travel took
place across the seas. Many of our ancestors came to the United
States on ships, and most of the first settlements they founded
were ports. They depended on the ocean for food, trade, and news
from their home countries. In fact, it is hard to find a city or
large community in the United States that is not close to a major
body of water. So, it makes sense that many words in our language
reflect our ocean culture, both past and present.
The ties between modern language and the sea are strong, and the origins of many words and expressions are often clear. For example, the meaning of phrases such as Don't give up the ship, Like a fish out of water, and Take the wind out of his sails seem almost obvious. Even the name of our country comes from an ocean map maker (Amerigo Vespucci), and our nation's capital, the District of Columbia, is named after the famous explorer Christopher Columbus. However, the origins of many words and phrases are not as obvious and require some understanding of life at, and close to, the sea: At the helm, Batten down the hatches, Blow over, Down the hatch, Learn the ropes, Flotsam and jetsam, Full speed ahead, Get underway, Get the drift, Keel over, Make headway, On deck, Out of Commission, and Go off the deep end.
The oceans connect many lands and languages, carrying words from different cultures into our own language. For example, the term First-rate came from a system that was used in Britain from Elizabethan times through the nineteenth century to evaluate warships. No matter how high a ship's rating, if it sailed too close to the shore it risked running aground on a strand, or beach, and so becoming stranded. However, if the crew were Gung ho, they could call upon their enthusiasm to get them out of a tough situation. This Chinese expression meaning work together was first adopted as a motto by Marine Lieutenant Colonel Evans Carlson during World War II for his division. When these Marines began their training they had to learn the ropes, a phrase that originally referred to the rigging and ropes of a ship. They may not have known that the name of the denim jeans they owned came from a cloth made in Nimes (de Nimes), France that was used by sailors from Genoa, Italy, to make pants. These sailors were known in southern Europe as Gens (the origin of the word jeans). Onboard their ships, they might have suffered from nausea, which now means any queasy or upset feeling in the stomach but comes from the Greek word for ship, or naus.
1. Introduce to students the idea of language as a dynamic element
of society. For example, ask each student to think of words that
have entered into our everyday language because of the prominence
of computers in our culture. To start them off, you may suggest
terms such as "interface," "off-line," and "download." Discuss what
these words originally meant and their current sense in everyday
language. Point out that they are not just used to refer to
computers anymore.
2. Explain to students that oceans have played a prominent role in the lives of people from many parts of the world, including ours. Because the seas have influenced what we eat, how we make a living, and where we live, our language includes many terms that came from this ocean heritage. Mention several words and phrases from the background material, discussing their current meanings and how they were first used.
3. Divide the class into groups of three or four and pass out copies of the "Ocean Words" worksheet. Tell the students to brainstorm for about ten minutes and write on the worksheet what they suspect the origins of each word might be. Then have each group choose a representative to convey its results to the rest of the class. Choose three words from the worksheet and ask all of the representatives to write on the chalkboard the ideas their groups had for these terms. Vote as a class on the most likely, and perhaps most funny, proposed word origins.
Try to figure out how the original meaning of each word in the following list is connected to the sea and write your ideas in the space provided.
Doug Casey (eseem005@sivm.si.edu), Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Smithsonian Insitution).
Ocean Planet Exhibition Floorplan