The text on this site is presented as an archival version of the script of "Ocean Planet," a 1995 Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition. The content reflects the state of knowledge at the time of the exhibition, and has not been updated.
Nets are not always selective: some scoop up everything in their paths--the target catch, as well as many non-target species (the by-catch). Unwanted or undersized animals culled from a catch are discarded--thrown back into the sea, dead or dying.
A shrimping crew culls the by-catch, Gulf of Mexico
Commercial marine fisheries in the U.S. alone toss away up to 20
billion pounds of by-catch each year--twice the commercial and
recreational catch combined §.
photo © Robert W. Parvin
Sorting catch and by-catch on a shrimpboat deck, Georgia, 1986
Shrimpers tow nets that collect shrimp, and many other animals in
their path. Red snapper, croaker, mackerel, sea trout, spot,
drum, and other fishes--up to nine times more than the shrimp
catch--are dumped overboard, already dead or dying §.
photo © John Domont, Center for Marine Conservation
Dead by-catch from shrimp trawlers, Texas coast, Gulf of Mexico,
photo © Bob Cranston
Driftnetting in the North Pacific, August 1990
When strung together, driftnets could sweep almost 40 miles (60
photo © Lorett Dorreboom/Greenpeace
Drowned white-sided dolphin, North Pacific, 1990
During the peak years of driftnetting in the late 1980s, more
than ten thousand dolphins and whales and millions of sharks were
killed annually §.
photo © Roger Grace/Greenpeace
3-mile-long Japanese driftnet displayed on the National Mall,
Washington, DC, October 1990
photo © Robert Visser/Greenpeace
TED (turtle excluder device)
Sea turtles hit a grid before entering the main part of the net.
Shrimp slip through the grid into the net, but turtles slide
along the bars and out a webbed flap §.
Illustration © Bonnie Branner
Nordmore grate
Mesh funnels shrimp and fish to the bottom of the net. Shrimp go
through the grate; almost all fish escape through an opening in
the net above the grate § §.
Illustration © Bonnie Branner
Ocean Planet Exhibition Floorplan