Titanic Historical Society

P.O. Box 51053,
Indian Orchard, MA 01151-0053,
USA. (413)543-4770 Mon - Sat 10 - 4

Annual Dues to the Society are $25.00 a year for active membership and contributing membership is $40.

Membership runs from April 15, though April 14.

The Titanic Historical Societies Headquarters are located in Indian Orchard MA, The Societies museum is Located behind Henry's Jewlery Store on 208 Main Street, and has an Excellent Collection of Memorabilia. The rest of the Societies Collection is housed at the Marine Museum at Fall River, MA (free admission for members)

The Commutator, is the quarterly Journal put out by the Titanic Historical Society,

It is an excellent Journal and a good source document for a lot of research.

The Titanic Historical Society operates a store at the Museum in Indian Orchard, were it sells the merchadise listed in the Commutator. (7 C's Merchandise Also)

The Titanic Historical Society is 31 years old and boasts over 5000 members worldwide

Write to the above address for membership.

Titanic International, Inc.

Post Office Box 7007
Freehold, NJ 07728-7007

Annual membership dues are $25.00 a year and allows you all the benifits of the Society, TItanic International generally holds one or two connventions a year.

Titanic International is another Titanic Society located in the United States

Titanic International also puts out an excellect quarterly publication called Voyage, (While it doesn't have the color glossy pages like the commutator, due to buget constrants it is an excellent publication)

Titanic International is the society that is currently suppling all the information that you won't see in the Commutator about the current research an exploration of the RMS Titanic. Titanic International will be the society the hosts the Titanic Exhibit when it comes to the United States some time in 1996.

Current Connvention plans are for one sometime this fall, and one possibly on a cruise ship in summer of 1996.

Titanic International was founded Five Years Ago and currently has over 500 members.

Membership runs from September 1 - August 31.

Titanic International also sells Titanic Related Merchidise, though its organization call the "SHIP SHOP" (Generally has many articles and periodically not available though other sources)

gene carl feldman (gene@seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov) (301) 286-9428
Judith Gradwohl, Smithsonian Institution (Curator/Ocean Planet)