This is Mandala Hunter-Ishikawa, a student argonaut from the Big Island of Hawaii... and today, we're going to take a behind the scenes look at the JASON Project!!" started Monday, Feb. 27, at 5:30 a.m. I was assigned to be the Roving Reporter, and I can tell you that it was sosososososososossosososossooooo fun and cool...I mean "shavets" (we made up a new word from the French word, shawettes or something, according to my buddy Jeremy.) That word gradually turned to shavez...
Anyway, Monday was really good. I got to interview a lot of people and be myself on camera. (cool cool cool cool cool) Today, the 28th of Feb. Tuesday, I was in astronomy and even though it wasn't as fun, I pretended okay...we pretended to look at Jupiter even though we weren't looking at anything. Matt and I were there. I believe you talked to him on the phone tonite. He's my buddy, like everybody else. I mean everybody. Like, camerapeople, lights people, director people, FOOD PEOPLE (!!), teachers, etc.etc.. It is so fun everyday. I've known these fellow argos for like 3 days, and I can totally communicate to them. I feel so close to them, and vice versa...I tell everybody how cool they are and it's so fun. I know I'm always saying how fun it is, but I am also learning so much. Behind the scenes stuff, "Hurry up and wait!" became a common quote! All of these people are professionals and they kinda know what they're doing...
This is getting long. I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow, but maybebiology or geology. So I'll write soon!!!
Bye., Mandala
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Gene Carl
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Todd Carlo Viola,
JASON Foundation for Education