The text on this site is presented as an archival version of the script of "Ocean Planet," a 1995 Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition. The content reflects the state of knowledge at the time of the exhibition, and has not been updated.
Cyanide helps collectors catch fish, but it also destroys coral reef habitat and other plants and animals. As fish populations continue to decline, fishermen begin cyanide collecting in new areas and destroy even more habitat.
Cyanide fishing, Luzon, Philippines
Fishermen squirt sodium cyanide into reef crevices where fish
hide. Almost 80 percent of the marine aquarium fish sold
internationally come from the Philippines, many caught by cyanide
fishing §.
photo © Howard Hall/HHP
Although the practice has been outlawed, and many
importers refuse cyanide-tainted fish, widespread use of cyanide
photo © Jeff Foott
Blast fishing, Philippines, 1987
Preparing the Bomb
The Blast
Harvesting the "catch"
Blast fishing is also common in Guam, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Thailand, and Tanzania. Blasting has caused reef damage in half
of the countries in the South Pacific. A beer-bottle-sized bomb
exploding near the bottom will shatter all stony corals in a
circle 10 feet (3 m) wide. A gallon-sized bomb takes out an area
about 33 feet (10 m) in diameter §.
photos © Lynn Funkhouser
Bottom trawler off the coast of Denmark
Trawlers often scrape the same area several times each year.
Sea-floor species can be displaced, and the types and
availability of nutrients changed. Sediments whipped up by
trawling can make water a thousand times cloudier than normal,
limiting resettlement and feeding of plants and animals. §
photo © Nordsomuseet (North Sea Museum), Denmark
Net-training class for tropical-fish collectors
Luzon, Philippines, 1992
photo © Steve Robinson/Sea of Cortez Handcaught Marines, Inc.
Anti-cyanide campaign banner
Luzon, Philippines, 1992
photo © Steve Robinson/Sea of Cortez Handcaught Marines, Inc.
Replanted mangroves
Negros, Philippines, 1993
photo © Don Hinrichsen
Ocean Planet Exhibition Floorplan