JASON VII: Adapting to a Changing Sea
Classroom Network Programming

This year's JASON Classroom Network will include:

Professional Development

The JASON Classroom Network will feature three half hour professional development programs, each one designed around one of the three key units of the JASON VII curriculum, which will enable teachers to get the most out of the Project for their students. These half hour programs will be broadcast over a three week period in February to allow teachers to become acquainted with the curriculum and use it to best advantage in their classrooms.

Field Exploration, JASON VII Part I: Shallow Water Investigations

The fourth program in the series will be a half hour program to be recorded during an exploration in January of the Florida Everglades with Dr. Bob Ballard. With Dr. Frank Mazzotti and Laura Brandt of the University of Florida, and assisted by Student and Teacher Argonauts, Bob will look for juvenile crocodiles in their nests in the Everglades bordering Florida Bay, and assist in tagging and analyzing them. Bob will then take us to Florida Bay to work with Dr. John Hunt of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection as he and his colleagues examine various species of life in the Bay for signs of stress from rapidly changing environmental conditions. Bob and his team will then head for deeper water and work with Dr. Jim Bohnsack of the National Marine Fisheries to investigate the abundance of Florida reef fish, and join Dr. Bob Hueter of Mote Marine Laboratory in his study of shark ecology and sensory capabilities. Part One will also feature previews of Part Two: Deeper Water Investigations.

Field Exploration, JASON VII Part II: Deeper Water Investigations

The fifth program in the series will be a one hour live-from-the-studio program broadcast at the same time that the JASON Project expedition is being conducted near Key Largo. The Classroom Network live studio program will feature JASON guests to explain and demonstrate portions of the investigations being pursued by JASON and detailed in the Project curriculum. Also during the hour, the Classroom Network broadcast will cut away - live - to portions of the JASON Project in progress. Participating teachers and students will meet Dr. Ballard again as he introduces Dr. Jerry Wellington of the University of Houston who will be living in and working from an underwater habitat, the AQUARIUS, studying the effect of climate on coral. We will also learn about Dr. Ballard's own geological work as he uses the U.S. Navy's only nuclear research submarine, the NR-1, to map previously uncharted areas near Key Largo; and we will rejoin Dr. Hueter for more work with sharks and Dr. Bohnsack to participate in his study of deeper water fish.

Follow-Up, The Expedition Continues

The last program in the series will be a half hour follow-up broadcast in mid-May, focusing on the continued work of the expedition. Even though the ships are back in port and the scientists are back in their laboratories, the work of the expedition continues as scientists analyze the data they have collected and work to understand more about the natural wonders they have seen. Teachers and students will be introduced to follow-up activities that they can conduct to cap their own investigations.

Rainbow Line

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Gene Carl Feldman (gene@seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov) (301) 286-9428
Todd Carlo Viola, JASON Foundation for Education (todd@jason.org)
Revised: 28 Dec 1995