March 8, 1994, 8:20 AM
It is now 40 minutes before the first show of the day and the skies have opened up and the rain is pouring down in sheets. I am sitting here typing away in the jungle with a tarp draped over my head, and more importantly, over the monitor and keyboard. One of my daily routines has been to clean the junk that seems to find its way INTO the mouse (computer mouse, that is). Yesterday I found quite an assortment of goodies in there which was really slowing things down.
I believe everyone made it up into the trees before the rain started because trying to do any serious climbing once things get wet is very tricky. When you are perched 80 feet above the river, you really want to make sure of your footing.
The biggest news is that those crazy cavers have mapped a new section of the Blue Creek cave, extending the total length of surveyed passages from 3.5 km to over 4.8 km. I have placed a map of the cave, and two of the computer models below for all to see.
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Gene Carl
(301) 286-9428
Todd Carlo Viola,
JASON Foundation for Education