Security at the site is being taken care of; we will have a lot of expensive gear with not much restriction on access. Not to mention the Marsakhod ROV. The Marsakhod, by the way, will be in Hawaii working for NASA for a week or so before Jason. NASA is testing it in Mars-like terrain. No place better than around the volcanoes.
Housing and accommodations are also being handled by people who are happy we are not out in the middle of the rainforest, I imagine. We are staying in the small town of Volcano near the summit of Kilauea, in an assortment of lodges and houses. It is about a 40 minute drive from there to the Kamoamoa site by the ocean. There will be some turnover, in that some people are coming to set up but not staying for the program itself, while the schedules for arrivals of crew is slightly staggered to bring in people at the time they are needed.
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Gene Carl
(301) 286-9428
Todd Carlo Viola,
JASON Foundation for Education