News and Updates (jason-news)
This "read-only" list distributes press releases and updates about the
JASON Project. Postings to this list will be made by the JASON
Foundation staff and our affiliates.
Teacher's Discussion Group (jason-teach)
Known as the JASON Project Teacher Discussion Group, this list is
designed for teachers using the JASON Project curriculum to share
ideas, engage in ongoing electronic discussion about the JASON Project
in the classroom, and coordinate collaborative student investigations
using the Internet.
Student's Discussion Group (jason-stu)
The JASON Project Student Discussion Group is designed for students
participating in the JASON Project. It is a place where students can
share their work, discuss scientific questions related to the JASON
project expeditions, and collaborate with one another on curriculum
investigations using the Internet.
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In the first line of the body of the message, type: subscribe and the name of the list you wish to subscribe to, either jason-news, jason- teach, or jason-stu
Example: To:
subscribe jason-news
NOTE: By subscribing to one of the JASON News and Discussion Groups mailing lists, you will receive all of the e-mail messages posted to the list. If you would prefer to browse the contents of JASON News and Discussion Groups rather than receive the mail in your mailbox, you can do so using an Internet newsreader, gopher, or World Wide Web browser. If your Internet provider subscribes to the Global SchoolNet Newsgroup service, you can use your newsreader software to read the following newsgroups:, schl.jason.teach, and schl.jason.stu. JASON News and Discussion Groups are also available through the JASON Project Gopher and the JASON Project Homepage (see below).
If you would like to unsubscribe from a JASON electronic mailing list, send a message to In the first line of the body of the message, type unsubscribe and the name of the list you wish to unsubscribe from, either jason-news, jason-teach, or jason-stu
The JASON Gopher is accessible on the Internet using Telnet or Gopher software.
The system will prompt you for a username; type: gopher
JASON Project homepage ||
Teachers' Guide ||
Students' Corner ||
Gene Carl Feldman
(301) 286-9428
Todd Carlo Viola, JASON Foundation for Education (
Revised: 17 Oct 1995