Aquatic Field Investigation
Putting Yourself on the Map

  1. As a class, compose a message to introduce yourselves and provide information about your local aquatic field study. Begin by providing the following information:

  2. As a class, continue composing an introductory message by writing a few paragraphs about yourselves and your aquatic field-study site:

  3. As a class, develop a plan for continuing your local field study. How often will you visit the site to make observations? What measurements will you take? What types of tools will you use? What Internet tools will you use to share information online? After developing your plan, add a description of it to your introductory message.

  4. Look at the protocols that you and other research teams in the class developed during the Game earlier in this Investigation. Are there other questions, criteria, or statements you think you should add to your introductory message? If so, add them.

  5. Review Master 6a, which shows a sample introductory e-mail message and the proper form for e-mail correspondence. Use e-mail to send your introductory message to the JASON Online Student Discussion Group. See Master 6c for information about how to begin participating in this discussion group.

  6. Read the introductory messages that other JASON Project participants have posted to the JASON Online Student Discussion Group. Find out who the participants are, where they are located, and what aquatic sites they are studying.

  7. Do you have questions about other participants or their study sites? Through the JASON Online Student Discussion Group, ask these participants your questions. Start a correspondence with them-they might have questions for you, too!

  8. Develop a filing system to organize the information that you obtain by reading other JASON Project participants' e-mail messages. Color-code the types of aquatic environment (e.g., marsh, swamp, bog, stream, river, estuary, bay, or ocean) being studied on a state, U. S., or world map. (For example, mark the location of all the marsh study sites with a yellow marker, the rivers with blue, and so on.) As you continue your Internet correspondence, add any new information you obtain to your filing system and map.

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Gene Carl Feldman ( (301) 286-9428
Todd Carlo Viola, JASON Foundation for Education (
Revised: 3 Nov 1995