Ocean Planet Customized Tour: Page 5 of 13

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Elisabeth Mann Borgese

Halifax, Nova Scotia

She has been called the "mother of the oceans." A political scientist, she has encouraged world leaders to rethink our relationship to the sea and our management of marine resources. In the 1960s, Borgese and others initiated the Law of the Sea talks, based on the principle that the oceans are the common heritage of all people, free from individual ownership.
photo © Dan Callis

"The oceans are our great laboratory for the making of a new international order, based on new forms of international cooperation and organization, on a new economic theory, on a new philosophy."

Ocean Planet Exhibition Floorplan

gene carl feldman (gene@seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov) (301) 286-9428
Judith Gradwohl, Smithsonian Institution (Curator/Ocean Planet)