Ocean Planet Customized Tour: Page 7 of 13

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Linda Maraniss

Silver Spring, Maryland

Her first visit to a Texas beach in 1986 shocked her. Instead of pristine white sand, she found egg cartons, pieces of styrofoam, and milk jugs littered about. In Austin as director of the Center for Marine Conservation's first regional office, she organized Texas's first coastal cleanup. In three hours, 3000 volunteers removed 124 tons of debris from 122 miles of coastline. This resounding success prompted new state regulations and programs such as Adopt-a-Beach.

"Trash travels--it's an international problem. If you're going to succeed with beach cleanups you need the cooperation of citizens, government, and industry."

Ocean Planet Exhibition Floorplan

gene carl feldman (gene@seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov) (301) 286-9428
Judith Gradwohl, Smithsonian Institution (Curator/Ocean Planet)