This is Lynn Cleckner, one of the week two Argonauts. I come from Gloucester, England. I'm having such a great time:- all the people here are really nice, I'm learning a lot and, unlike England, it's really hot!
I flew here with Alan, who is a Teacher Argonaut. We had a good take off and a fantastic landing. We landed with the pilot in the cock-pit. It was a wonderful experience. We arrived at about 4:35.
I spent the rest of the evening getting to know all the other argonauts.
On day two, I spent the day at Key Jason. We looked through some really interesting data about the sea and saw some huge graphs and maps. I had a very relaxing day but I also found out lots of information.
Then day three came:- WOW! It was amazing!
After passing a swim test, we all became certified skin divers. Then we went out into the ocean and snorkelled over a beautiful reef. We saw so many different types of fish ( no sharks though- thankfully!)
After these three very long days I was really tired so I fell asleep easily.
This was good because I needed a lot of energy for a very busy day (Day
Today I was working in interactivity. Also I took part in all of todays
live broadcasts. I was the reporter in News from the Net.
It was a really great experience being filmed.
Well that's about all I've got to tell you for now, as my time is reduced because of all the fun and educational things to do.
I hope you're having fun reading all of the journals that we are all sending in.
I will write to you all again soon.
Bye for now,
from Lynn Cleckner (Week two argonaut studying sharks).
P.S. If you have any questions you would like to ask me, you can post them in the JASON Student Discussion Group. I would be more than happy to reply to them.
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Gene Carl Feldman
(301) 286-9428
Todd Carlo Viola, JASON Foundation for Education (
Revised: 22 April 1996