April Expedition Journal
April 15 - 26, 1996
Welcome to the April Expedition!
The expedition team includes Student and Teacher Argonauts, scientists, engineers, and production crew. The science team is divided into four principal groups who are studying sharks, corals,
shelf science.
In addition, throughout the course of the expedition, students will be involved in mapping a shipwreck at one of our offshore research locations.You can follow the adventure through a variety of expedition programs, including the online journal, live expedition broadcasts, and internet chats.
Expedition Scrapbook
Take a look at the ever growing JASON VII Expedition Scrapbook
Daily Journals
Throughout the expedition, check out the online Ship's Log, kept by Mike Durbin and Bobby Webb, EDS telecommunications engineers.
Saturday, April 6
Arrival at Key JASON
Sunday, April 7
The EDS Satellite truck arrives at Key JASON
Wednesday, April 10
A Dive on the NR-1
Thursday, April 11
Putting the pieces together
Friday, April 12
Argonauts survive the long trip!
Meeting in Miami
The first day on the reef
Saturday, April 13
Mi primer dia en la expedicion
(Daniela's first day on the expedition)
A first glimpse of the AQUARIUS
Monday, April 15
The First Day of Broadcasts
A busy few days
Shark Hunting on the Fantastic II
Tuesday, April 16
Tagging the Shark
Wednesday, April 17
A Day at Key JASON
Thursday, April 18, 1996
Take a closer look at Key JASON
A tour of the Carolyn Choest
Friday, April 19, 1996
Diving Argonauts
The Scoop on the Steel Reef
An Incredible Week
Week Two Argonauts Arrive
Sunday, April 21
Hello, out there!
Being a Coral Diver
Fantastic Day
Monday, April 22
From Gloucester to Key JASON
Tuesday, April 23
On the Trail of Bob and Martha
Wednesday, April 24, 1996
Greetings to JASON from the Russian Space Station Mir
JASON Project homepage ||
Teachers' Guide ||
Students' Corner ||
Gene Carl Feldman
(301) 286-9428
Todd Carlo Viola, JASON Foundation for Education (todd@jason.org)
Revised: 24 April 1996