Expedition Journal

January 21, 1996
The Production Starts

We got to know the production crew today. They're o.k. It's pretty weird how the camera man, Jeff, gets close ups of everything. In fact, as we are typing this message to you, Jeff is sticking a camera in our face! However the production crew is what makes the live telecasts and the 30 minute video tape possible. Our production crew has done a lot of behind the scenes work. Besides the cameras there is extensive lighting that must be put into place. Each light has to have a wax paper cover called gels. Each gel has a different color which helps our production crew make us look good.

Before the work begins tomorrow we had a little time for fun. Being in the Florida Key's, surrounded by palm tree's, we could not resist the Coconuts. Getting them down from the tree was easy. Opening them was a completely different story. We finally devised a method that involved hurling the coconut from a second story balcony. This seemed to work.

Something that we found really fascinating was that in the back of the compound was a Shark Tank!!! In the tank are seven 5 to 6 foot nurse sharks. Besides sharks there are plenty of other animals, including fish, corals, lobsters, sea cucumbers and pelicans.

Bed time now (we take that seriously because we're up bright and early at five o'clock!) . Talk to you later!

Jim Anderson & Safia Rawoot
JASON Project Argonauts

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Gene Carl Feldman (gene@seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov) (301) 286-9428
Todd Carlo Viola, JASON Foundation for Education (todd@jason.org)
Revised: 23 Jan 1996