JASON VII: Adapting to a Changing Sea

Curriculum Overview


The Key teaching points for JASON VII center around the scientific method and are an extension of it for environmental sciences. They include a) setting a baseline study which determines the “natural” cycles or event, b) comparing the baseline study with current data depicting human impact (if any) and c) concluding the study with suggestions for the future/conservation. Technology is a key element in reaching the teaching points as it allows the researchers and students to collect information needed for the baseline and impact studies as well as providing the tool for future practices. The key teaching points and technology are presented to students and teachers through an integrated field investigation based on an aquatic study. Students will build equipment, collect data, produce baseline studies and determine human impact. Recommendations for the present and future will also be assigned.

UNIT ONE: Where Are We Going and Why?

Key Research Questions for JASON VII, "Adapting to a Changing Sea"

Investigation #1: Southern Florida, A Study Site for Coastal Communities

Focus Questions:

Investigation #2: Southern Florida, the Human Component

Focus Questions:

Investigation #3: Sharing Information From Southern Florida and At Home with Students, Teachers and Researchers

Focus Questions:

Investigation #4: Local Field Investigation

Focus Questions:

UNIT TWO: Internet Basics

Investigation #5: How is Information Organized

Focus questions:

Investigation #6: The Power of Sharing Information

Focus questions:

UNIT THREE: Telepresence Field Work in Southern Florida

Investigation #7: Corals - Providing a Baseline for Climate Change (Jerry Wellington)

Purpose: to set the climate story Focus questions:

Investigation #8: Geology - the story of water movement and land formation (Bob Ballard)

Purpose: To set the geology story

Focus questions:

Investigation #9: The American Crocodile - the story of water flow (Laura Brandt and Frank Mazzotti)

Purpose: to set the water story

Focus questions:

Investigation #10: The Organisms of Florida Bay - the story of water quality (John Hunt)

Purpose: to set the water quality story

Focus questions:

Investigation #11: Fish - the abundance and diversity of life in the water (Jim Bohnsack)

Purpose: to tie together the water story and diversity of life using fish.

Focus questions:

Investigation #12: Sharks - apex predators in the water (Bob Hueter)

Purpose: to expand the adaptation story to a top predator

Focus questions:

Investigation #13: Diving Technology - the story of living in water (Chris Bourne)

Purpose: To investigate human adaptations for living underwater.

Focus questions:

Investigation #14: Marine Engineering-the story of surveying the edge of the sea (Dana Yoerger, John Howland, Lt. Comdr. Olivier)

Purpose: to investigate tools and techniques used to study the seafloor of a coastal community.

Focus questions:

Rainbow Line

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Gene Carl Feldman (gene@seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov) (301) 286-9428
Todd Carlo Viola, JASON Foundation for Education (todd@jason.org)
Revised: 30 Oct 1995